History of Pre-Sanctified Gifts

By William Hall

In the Byzantine Church, besides the Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom and of St. Basil the Great, we have a third liturgical formulary, known as the Holy Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. As the very name suggests, the Eucharistic Gifts given in the communion at this service are pre-sanctified, consecrated beforehand. Strictly speaking, this is only a service of a solemn Holy Communion. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is celebrated during Lent on those days when the ordinary Liturgy is not celebrated. Its origins historically are covered with some haze.  (Read More)

One Comment on “History of Pre-Sanctified Gifts”

  1. Matthew a Sinner says:

    Thanks Father Mark for posting this. Reading the complete thing I was pleased it clarified the origins were unknown. I got so tired of reading how Saint Gregory the Great wrote it during his time in Constantinople. What a crock.
    Saint Gregory (the Dialogos) may be a Saint but he had his flaws. Not only was he just a minor church official but he never knew or tried to learn Greek. In fact I read somewhere he thought Greek was a ‘pagan’ tongue and only Latin was spoken by God. Of course that’s probably anti-Catholic polemic. As Pope he also falsely accused Saint John the Faster of usurping the title “Ecumenical” for himself which was a title only he should hold. Of course, Saint John had nothing to do with it as said title was bestowed upon him by the Emperor. There was also an Ecumenical Librarian of Constantinople as well as other ‘ecumenical’ offices I’m sure!
    A Bishop of Rome took the title “Pope” from the Bishop of Alexandria, claiming it for himself. He forbid anyone to be called ‘Pope’ but the Bishop of Rome, of course everyone ignored him and to this day, the Greek and Coptic Bishops of Alexandria hold the title ‘Pope’.
    So the ecclesiastical games still go on.
    Take care Father Mark.

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